
Principal and Senior Investigators


Daniel Oblak

Assistant Professor

Trying to be on top of it all


Vahid Salari

Adjunct Assistant Professor/Research Associate

Quantum Biology


Postdoctoral Scholars

Sourabh Kumar

Postdoctoral Scholar

Quantum memory, Quantum transducers

Ashutosh Singh

Postdoctoral Scholar

Quantum light sources

Hanen Chenini

Postdoctoral Scholar

Quantum cryptography

Yunhong Gong

Postdoctoral Scholar

Quantum satellite communication

Lana Frankle

Postdoctoral Scholar

Quantum biology – co-supervised by Joe Tauskela @ NRC, Ottawa


Graduate Students

Nasser Gohari Kamel

PhD Candidate

Quantum key distribution

Farhad Rasekh

PhD student

Quantum memory

Leili Ismaeilifar

PhD student

Quantum light sources

Ujjwal Gautam

PhD student

Quantum transduction

Vishnu Seshan

PhD student

Quantum biology

Anuj Sethia

PhD student

Quantum Key Distribution

Ziheng Chang

PhD student

Satellite ground-station

Snehasis Addy

MSc student

Quantum key distribution

Mathew Yastremski

MSc student

Satellite ground-station

Ismail Akkouche

MSc student

Quantum Key Distribution

Arsalan Mansourzadeh

MSc student

Solid State Light Sources


Undergraduate Students and Research Assistants

Amir Ahadi

Research Assistant

Quantum cryptography

Parisa Behjat Khatouni

Research Assistant

Quantum Key Distribution

Joel Ozeroff

Bachelor thesis project (Phys 598) - X

Light-matter interfaces

Sean McNanny

Bachelor thesis project (Phys 598)

Quantum light sources

Marcus Demierre

Bachelor thesis project (Phys 598)

Light-matter interfaces



QCloudLab historical group photos





QCloudLab alumni


Nick Kuzmin

Research Assistant - Quantum Key Distribution

Next step:  MSc @ U. Calgary


Ayesha Iqbal

Undergraduate summer research student - bio-photon detection

Next step:  BSc @ U. Calgary


Gabriella Gelinas

Bachelor thesis project (Phys 598) - quantum light-matter interfaces

Next step:  MSc student @ U. Calgary/TRIUMPH


Luis Abalo Sangervasi

Bachelor thesis project (Phys 598) - Cavity locking

Next step:  MSc student @ McMaster U.


Kora-At Petchrat

Visiting undergraduate research student (Prince of Songkhla University) - Quantum light sources

Next step:  BSc @ Prince of Songkhla University


Jordan Smith

MSc Student - Quantum Key Distribution

Next step:  Founder and CEO of Quantized Technologies Inc.


Sara Shafiei Alavijeh

MSc Student - Quantum light-matter interfaces

Next step: Associate Researcher @


Abdullah Maqsood

Co-op student (U Waterloo) - Quantum light-sources

Next step: Undergraduate student at U. Waterloo


Amit Shalev

Undergraduate research student - Quantum biology

Next step:


Mobina Jamali

Undergraduate summer student - Quantum biology

Next step: Undergraduate student at University of Calgary


Simon Hus

Undergraduate summer student - Quantum cryptography

Next step: Undergraduate engineering student at University of Calgary


Erhan Saglamyurek

Senior Research Associate - Quantum memory, Quantum transducer, Rare-earth ion materials

Next step: Resesarch scientist at Lawrence Berkley National Lab


Karabee Batta

Visiting Undergraduate Student - Quantum satellite ground-station

Next step: Graduate studies


Abhijeet Alase

Postdoc (co-supervised) - Quantum satellite ground-station

Next step: Postdoc positon


Quinn Rupert

Undergraduate Student

Next step: Undergraduate student at University of Calgary


Alireza Poostindouz

PhD student (co-supervised)

Next step: Huawei Canada


Mahmood Noweir

PhD Candidate (co-supervised)

Next step: Postdoc at University of Calgary (group of Fadhel Ghannouchi)


Rana Zibakhsh Shabgahi

Research Assistant

Next step: MSc at University of British Columbia


Kim Owen

Master's Student

Next step: PhD at York University (Stefano Pirandola) and Toshiba Cambridge Labs (Andrew Shields)


Pascal Lefebvre

PhD Student

Next step: Postdoc at CNRS, Sorbonne Université – Campus Pierre et Marie Curie


Yufeng Wu

PhD Student (visiting)

Next step: PhD at Yale University (Hong Tang)


Yan Juan Xiong

Master's Student

Next step: Research and development at OZ Optics, Ottawa


Rana Prathap Simh

Visiting Undergraduate Student

Next step: MSc at IIT Kharagpur, Quantum Programming Intern at Multiverse Computing, Co-founder of IndiQ


Prathwiraj Umesh

Master's Student (visiting)

Next step: PhD student with Rupert Ursin at Institute For Quantum Optics And Quantum Information Vienna


Jun Zhang

Postdoctoral Scholar

Next step: Postdoc with Yiqing Lu at Macquarie University


Hridya Meppully Sasidharan

Visiting MSc student

Next step: Complete degree at S.V. National Institute of Technology, then PhD student at TU Delft, group of W. Tittel


Sarvin Sepassi

Phys-599 Student

Next step: Job hunting


Jacob Davidson

Visiting PhD student

Next step: PhD student at TU Delft, group of W. Tittel


Gustavo Castro Do Amaral

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow

Next step: Postdoc at TU Delft, group of W. Tittel